Tuesday, November 4, 2008

If I Were President...

This is the poster that has been hanging in our classroom the last couple weeks. We've been talking about the voting process and learning about government. It's not to in depth. The kids are second graders and today is the day we voted. We are doing a school wide vote and we did our own classroom vote. Today the students did a writing project...If I Were President...
  • I will give people jobs so they can work for money.
  • I would have safer streets and more crossing guards.
  • I will make sure people eat good foods and drink water.
  • I will give you a job.
  • Treat people nice.
  • People shall be safe and not break the law.
  • I will give people money that have no money.
  • I will make sure there is no robberies.
  • I will make sure the Earth is clean.
  • The parks will be clean and have no rappers. (wrappers..that is how they spelled it)
  • Neighborhoods will be safe.
  • People should be able to eat good food. (hot pockets, milk, and water)
  • I will make sure no one will die.

These are just some of their reasons. We all have our reasons on why we vote the way we do. I told my students that and if they didn't want to tell their friends who they voted for that was okay because it is personal.

So I tallied up our ballots in our classroom.

McCain= 8 votes

Obama= 10 votes

*** I will announce to them before we leave today. They get really crazy with things like this.

Who will be the winner? Just glad to know that we will have a new one soon enough. I will be at the polls later today..waiting my turn...hours I am sure. Hubby voted...waited 40 minutes. I am sure mine will be double that. Around here if you wear your "I Voted" sticker you get some free goods. So after I vote tonight, I will head to Starbucks for my free coffee, go to Krispy Kreme for a free donut, stop at Ben and Jerry's for some free ice-cream. With all of that...it will be worth the wait.

Happy Election Day!


morewineplease said...

everyone here had reallllly long lines in the morning...I went at 2:30, no line = happy dance!

Confessions of A Mississippi Mom said...

Long lines! they even split us up according to our last name... horrible! Glad it's over!