Friday, November 28, 2008

I Did It!

Yesterday I ran the Thanksgiving Day Turkey 10K run. I have been anticipating that day for weeks. I was a bundle of nerves up until the gun shot start yesterday morning. It was a great day for a run. The temperature at start time was right around 30 degrees, no wind, lots of sun, and it was a pretty flat course right along Lake Michigan...just beautiful. ( a couple minor little hills). My husband, sister, BIL, and some friends all finished STRONG!!! My goal was to finish in less than an hour and I DID!! My time was 56:19. My sister finished at 56:00 and husband around 49 minutes. I think BIL was around 45 minutes. Anyways, we all did it and no matter what the time was, we had a great time. I am not sure if I am up for a half-marathon. I will consider it, but would like to run a couple more 10Ks to make sure that is something I can do.

I treated myself to a couple Hook and Ladders. I am not a pie eater so I didn't indulge there. So I just had a few cocktails and called it a day. It was a great day to be with family.


justme said...


morewineplease said...

Great job, that is awesome!!

Katie Ryan said...

Congratulaitons! That's fabulous.

Yellow Beads said...

AWESOME!!! Congrats on getting under your goal time!

Confessions of A Mississippi Mom said...

Congrat Girl... that is amazing ... you rock!

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

Congratulaitions! That is awesome...I pulled a muscle in my leg and I have not got to do a lot of running and I miss it! Next weekend I have to run a half :)