Sunday, September 21, 2008

Kick A$$ Blog Award

I was awarded the Kick Ass Blogger Award from Just the Girl.... I really enjoy reading her blog. She talks about her kids, husband, workouts, and just about anything that is on her mind. One more thing, she has been to more concerts than I ever have in my life and she has gone to several in the last few months. Go check her blog out. Thanks so much for this great blogger honor. It is awesome!!

Here are the rules:
Choose 5 bloggers that you feel are "Kick Ass Bloggers" Let 'em know in your post or via email, twitter or blog comments that they've received an award.Share the love and link back to both the person who awarded you and back to Mammadawg, the inventor of this award.
So now I need to nominate 5 other bloggers for this kickin' award.

I choose Newly-Wedded Wife, not only is she my sister. She loves to blog about fashion, make-up, and of course her baby Betty (the dog).
Carrie at Confessions~ I love reading her thoughts about her family and things that are going on in her life, she is always willing to share such positive thoughts, and is working hard at her goal of running a 5K.
Nap Warden has a awesome blog. She talks about running, family, and pop-culture (Madonna and 90210)
Seeking Sanity posts some really great photos and her blog is fun to read.
Caffeine Court~ She blogs about her passion for tennis and has great opinions and ideas. I really enjoy reading her blog.


Caffeine Court said...

Thanks so much! We over 40 ladies have to stick together!

Cynthia said...

Thanks for passing it on!

Confessions of A Mississippi Mom said...

Thanks so much it is a honor to receive such an award..."blushing"

you have a kick a*s blog by the way!!!

Laurie // 312 Beauty said...

Thanks Tammy! I love that you are part of the blog world now:)

Kat said...

THANK YOU! What a great award! I am honored. Thank you so much for passing such a fun one on. :)

Yellow Beads said...

yay, congrats!!