Sunday, September 14, 2008

3 Good Reasons

My oldest daughter has been begging me for a cell phone for a very long time. I even did a post on it in August. When we went shopping, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. She couldn't even give me 1 good reason why she needed a phone. She just WANTED one. So I dropped the idea for the remainder of the summer...then she started Middle School.

She would come home and say everyone has a phone...(seriously Alyssa, not EVERYONE), but to her she was feeling left out. During the first week of middle school she was to try out for the girls softball team. Alyssa was on a team for the past few summers and seems to be a standout even amongst the coed teams she is on. She is a pitcher, plays third or first base. She was even on the all star team this summer. Way proud of her. So, she tried out and I know she tried her best. I knew they were going to cut approx. 15 or more girls and I really was trying to prepare her just in case she didn't make it. When she went to school on Monday of last week...SHE MADE THE TEAM! I was so proud of her. The first thing she could say was...I really want a cell phone, then I could call you when to pick me up from practice. What? Okay...whatever, we'll talk about it.

So, after a whole week of this crazy practice schedule (she also plays soccer), she really felt that she needed a CP(that is what she nicknamed it). I was so sick of hearing everyday the same thing. I want a cell phone. So, we put her to the test. Give us 3 good reasons why you think you need a cell phone. This is what she wrote down.

  1. I will fell safer and comfortable with one.

  2. If someone needs to contact me at any time for emergency they could (If I ever get one)

  3. If softball is cancelled and the buses already left, I could call you or mom for a ride.

So we pondered about this all weekend. We even went to a birthday party Saturday and all of the adult men (seriously more like teenage boys) were egging her on. Why don't you have a cell phone? You really need one. It went on for I swear an hour.

So, today I broke down and we got her a cell phone. However, I will pay the monthly bill, she actually bought her own. I was very proud of her. She shelled out $100.oo of her hard earned babysitting money. She will get $50.00 back in a Visa Debit card, which is pretty cool for an 11 year old almost 12 in about 3 weeks.

To be honest, I feel better since she is staying at school 'til 6:00 for practice and will be attending the school social next Friday night. That way, she always can get a hold of someone for anything. She played with this phone all day. It is a pretty cool one.

I've been sticking to my 10K training program. The weather around here this weekend just sucked too. It rained the entire weekend. The remnants of the hurricane and other things too. However, I ran 4 miles today. So proud. I never stopped the whole run and it felt awesome. Another great week that is.


Confessions of A Mississippi Mom said...

Congrats to your daughter on making the team. I would be bragging too if that was my daughter. The cp thing is really a good idea since she is involved in so much after school activities. Let me just say she is way a head of her game by paying for it out of her own money (that is very responsible for this age) that should make you very proud.

Oh good going on the run, I know it is hard to do when the weather is less then perfect. I hated running in 60 mgh winds(thanks hurricane).

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

We got oldest son a cell phone this year too (he's 11) and he calls me all the time to check in, I love it. I wish I would have done it sooner.

Get job on the running...I also ran a bit over 4 miles this weekend without stopping, sure makes you feel so good. When is your run? I have one in Oct, one in Dec, one in Jan, and then one in April 2009 (thats gonna be the big one).

Tammy said...

I am doing a 3.8 trail run at the end of Sept. I am doing a 10K in November. I would like to do the Indy half marathon in May. I want to see how I do in the 10K first. I would like to do one in October, but need to find something relatively close.

Betsy Mae said...

You did the right thing on the phone front. I love the idea of kids paying for part with their own hard earned money, it's a great way to teach them about money. I totally respect how long you waited to get her the phone and how much you thought about it.