Friday, September 12, 2008

Meet My Family

  • My mom likes to yell.
  • My dad likes to sleep and watch tv.
  • My brother likes to scream.
  • My brothers are good at fighting.
  • My mom loves the computer.
  • My whole family eats, sleeps, and drinks.
  • My sister likes to shop.
  • My mom is good at cooking and sometimes dad is too.
  • My bunny likes to eat our vegetables.

From the journals of Second Graders. I smile and chuckled at this today. So cute...I had to share. I love the things they say. It is so funny. They sometimes look at me like I'm nuts. I wonder what my own kids say about me in their school journals.

Yesterday, one of my students asked me if I had my house key hanging from my ear. I guess my earrings looked like they could pick a lock! I was trying to take a photo of them, but fear of someone walking into my classroom and seeing me taking pictures of myself, I thought it was best not to follow through.

Happy Friday!


Confessions of A Mississippi Mom said...

Awww that is sweet and funny! I can't believe how kids minds work. The other day my daughter brought home this drawing that she did of her family.. OMG i had a huge stomach... I asked her what was that? she said you always talk about your big belly, so I thought I would draw it for you.... HA HA HA THANKS!!

Any who have a good Friday Girl!!! TGIF yes!!!!

Cynthia said...

"My Mom loves the computer" good one!

Kat said...

Hahaha! That cracked me up!