July 2008....camping at Governor Dodge.
***Disclaimer....I scanned in the two ancient photos...not good at that...will get better...with time...or age. hahahaha
Feeling fabulous at 40 plus 2. Living life and going through a new adventure everyday.
***Disclaimer....I scanned in the two ancient photos...not good at that...will get better...with time...or age. hahahaha
I grabbed a book I am reading for my Grad class. ( It was in my school bag...I have a lot of grading to do tonight and homework for my class) The book is: Classroom Instruction that Works~Research Based Strategies For Increasing Student Achievement . Here it is....Rewards can have a negative impact on intrinsic motivation whe they are offered to people for engaging in a task without considering any standard of performance. In a classroom, this might occur if a teacher promised students tangible rewards simply for doing an activity.
I choose to tag ....Laurie, Malia, any other takers?? Didn't know who else to tag for this? Anyone?? Anyone?? :)
***While doing this all I can hear is a constant beep, beep...Alyssa is getting texts like crazy....middle schoolers are nuts!
We love Apples!!
***This is from the mouths of second graders.***
I asked random thoughts this morning for our daily circle share. They could share whatever came to their minds. I started with......
*****This is a condensed list. They love to talk about their pets and sports.******
This is Brandon's team. (They could go deer hunting with those
colors). His team won yesterday and today. No goals for Brandon,
however, a lot of assists and a couple almost type deals. He is coming off the field at this point. Go Barons!
This is what I had to deal with today. I felt like I was going to get pecked or pooped on. Or what was that movie about the birds? I was freaked out and the kids were ducking their heads at some point because they thought they were going to get dived upon. There were hundreds of these things flying around. Not only the seagulls eating everyone's crumbs, but goose poop everywhere. (a pond right next to the soccer complex) Thank goodness this was the only double header weekend. The only reason I spent 6 hours at the field this weekend was it was rained out last weekend.
Things I did notice that I love...
Serioulsy if I offended anyone...so sorry.
So we pondered about this all weekend. We even went to a birthday party Saturday and all of the adult men (seriously more like teenage boys) were egging her on. Why don't you have a cell phone? You really need one. It went on for I swear an hour.
So, today I broke down and we got her a cell phone. However, I will pay the monthly bill, she actually bought her own. I was very proud of her. She shelled out $100.oo of her hard earned babysitting money. She will get $50.00 back in a Visa Debit card, which is pretty cool for an 11 year old almost 12 in about 3 weeks.
To be honest, I feel better since she is staying at school 'til 6:00 for practice and will be attending the school social next Friday night. That way, she always can get a hold of someone for anything. She played with this phone all day. It is a pretty cool one.
I've been sticking to my 10K training program. The weather around here this weekend just sucked too. It rained the entire weekend. The remnants of the hurricane and other things too. However, I ran 4 miles today. So proud. I never stopped the whole run and it felt awesome. Another great week ahead...training that is.
From the journals of Second Graders. I smile and chuckled at this today. So cute...I had to share. I love the things they say. It is so funny. They sometimes look at me like I'm nuts. I wonder what my own kids say about me in their school journals.
Yesterday, one of my students asked me if I had my house key hanging from my ear. I guess my earrings looked like they could pick a lock! I was trying to take a photo of them, but fear of someone walking into my classroom and seeing me taking pictures of myself, I thought it was best not to follow through.
Happy Friday!
The three beauty queens.
Emma still loves that pink dress and wanted to wear it to school Open House this year. Alyssa couldn't wait to take it off that night...it was driving her crazy.
I have never had a kid who said I love to write with pencils. I think it will be a great year.