Sunday, January 4, 2009

Wii Madness

Santa brought us the Wii this year. I guess we needed to add to our collection of gaming systems. One thing I didn't expect is that I really like this gadget. I never had much use for the Xbox 360 or the original Xbox. I liked Guitar Hero every once in a while, but never really got into the whole gaming thing.

Once the Wii was hooked up I found myself wanting to try it out. I found that the bowling is fun in groups, boxing is a real work out, and I suck at tennis. I really need to work on my coordination or something. I am becoming better at it, but it is hard to compete with the kids because they always want to play it. I have to put in a number or something just to have my turn. It is madness at our house. The girls are even fighting over the time they get to spend on it. They were much like me that they really didn't care about the Xbox 360 and there really wasn't a fight over it. Until now...I feel like a referee. The 12 year old tries to help the 6 year old and that isn't what the 6 year old wants. She is way to stubborn and then fights break out. That is usually when I take over and then it is my turn. I am glad Brandon can just let them fight it out. Because he realizes if they fight, it will be his turn instead of their turn.

I have heard all this talk about the Wii Fit. I wanted it for Christmas, but no luck. It was the hardest thing to come by. As I am reading my Sunday morning paper and looking at all the ads, I noticed Best Buy was running Wii Fit in their ad. So hubby, kids, and I decided to take our chances and head over to Best Buy when it opens. I went to one and he went to a different one. When I arrived, there was already a line forming at the door. Waiting in line in freezing temps really sucks. At this point I am hoping this is all worth it. I was hoping no one was in line for the Wii Fit, but they were. The sooner it got to the store opening, they started handing out tickets...please please have a ticket for me. Yes! I got #15 out of only 20 available. Hubby called and he got one too.

We came, set it up, tried it out, and I LOVE IT! Now I just have to wait my turn.....


justme said...

hubby has xbox 360 and the only thing i play is rock band..which is fun but i never play on my own - only with company. we don't have the wii but i think it is just a matter of time before we get it, i hear such good things. my sis has it and my mom got them wii fit and they all love it.

i was tyring to win one with all the blogs giving it away but no such luck.

Yellow Beads said...

AWESOME!!!! I can't wait to see photos and hear a review!

Katie Ryan said...

I got Wii fit for Christmas, too. I love, love it. I also got the Jillian Michaels game to go with it.
I, too, have to wait my turn.
I now have a reason to look forward to everybody going to work and school tomorrow.

Confessions of A Mississippi Mom said...

Nice! I'm glad you finally got one. Everyone at work was sooooo aggravated that no store kept them in stock...