Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's Over Already....

My weekend recap.....

  • I got into a Texas Hold 'Em poker tournament on Saturday. I was third place...didn't win anything. It was about 4-5 hours of cards. So, I didn't get much accomplished on laundry, Christmas shopping, grocery shopping, and other household chores. We started playing cards around 3:00 and returned home around 9:00. It wasn't a hardship since I walked just a few short steps to our bffs next door. It was a wild card game for sure. My hubby took second place and won some of the pot. Great time with super people.
  • Sunday decided to get some Christmas shopping done. I did some of that, but still need to do a few more things. I feel like such a procrastinator. In years past, I would be done by now...I haven't wrapped anything and have everything in bags and boxes in my room.
  • Had to do grocery shopping....I HATE GROCERY SHOPPING. I can't handle all of the people and the amount of time it takes for me to do it. I never write a list because I would forget to look at it anyway so half the time I have to back track to pick up things I missed. Also, people are so can't stop in the middle of an aisle and chat with your long lost cousin and expect me to wait for you. I say excuse me and OMG the looks sometimes. I made it through the store. Get home and now I have to unpack all of the stuff. Thank goodness for Hubby who is waiting for me. He unpacked most of it.
  • So, now it is Sunday night. I could use tomorrow for all the stuff I didn't do and another day to watch a movie and catch up on my favorite shows. Alyssa has been hounding me to watch Ugly Betty with her....hopefully I can get to it before she goes to bed.
  • At least someone in the family can relax and look at us and wonder why aren't we all taking it easy. She is the cutest family member ever...Zena....

  • I may get my wish for an extra day off.....they are predicting a 6-12 inch snowfall Monday night into Tuesday....just maybe...a snow day. I will do my dance before bed tomorrow night.


Yellow Beads said...

Wow, you did have a busy weekend. Hope you get some rest tonight--and A SNOW DAY on Tuesday :))

Dr. Wifey said...

hope you get your snowday! Zena is adorable :o)

Adlibby said...

How cool are you that you played in a poker tourney?! I love that! Zena is very adorable. And I hear that if you wear your pajamas backwards and put a spoon under your pillow you are guaranteed some serious snow. It's worth a shot. Although my source is nine years old and not all that reliable. ;)

Yellow Beads said...

hey, me again, Hi! I've tagged you today on my blog, hope you play along! :)

Katie Ryan said...

Wow, you're busy.
I hope you get your snow day!