Wednesday, October 22, 2008



Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

Cool picture! Happy WW ~

Katie Ryan said...

I love it! Especially the one missing a sock.

Dr. Wifey said...

this pic reminds me of when my family would get together at Christmas and play spoons. i had a cousin who would sneak his foot in and grab a spoon with his toes before anyone knew what was happening

morewineplease said...

I am soooo not a foot person, I need warning on post like these. :)

Kat said...

Cute! :)

Cynthia said...


Betsy Mae said...

i am soooo sorry i haven't been by. i have 20 posts to read and catch up on....problem is that it's after 1130pm here and i should have been asleep by now....i am going to take a quick peak but need to get caught up another day. i've missed reading your inspirational posts....

Confessions of A Mississippi Mom said...

so cute, one with a bare foot.....

Ha I gave you another award.. :) so go get it ....