Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Shadow

I must be completely bored today or at least my dog is. You could say Zena is my shadow. I get up...she gets up and follows me. No matter where I the kitchen...walking to the office...doing going into the bathroom...she is always there. In fact I almost stepped on her today when I opened the bathroom door ...she was right there waiting for me. If I got up now from the computer she would follow me. I just love her. She is a 3-year old Springer Spaniel. Here she is...

It runs in the family.... (my mom always closes her eyes for pics)

She looks so sad in this picture.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

OMG...we have a Springer too! She follows me everywhere.
Thanks for commenting on my blog...good luck with your running:)