Sunday, March 29, 2009

What Should of Been....

This WAS the weekend of the SHAMROCK SHUFFLE in Chicago. I went to pick up my stuff yesterday. My timing chip, bib number, and nylon drawstring bag. I was excited for this race for 2 months. It is a large race and draws tons and tons of people....32,500 to be exact. I looked at my bib number and realized I was close to the cut off point. So lucky to get in! Looking forward to running through the streets of Chicago, the people, the adreline that would be pumping through my body. The party afterwards...this weekend was the weekend of all weekends.

It however DID NOT WORK OUT LIKE I wanted it too.

My bib number has no wrinkles, my timing chip is still in the bag, and my free beer coupon is still attached to my number. Why oh Why didn't I run????

THIS IS WHY I DIDN'T RUN!!!! This is what it looked like out my sister's place around 8:00 am this morning. Hubby and I didn't want to take a chance and break something or whatever. The weather conditions were brutal. By the looks of the news broadcast this morning, the turn out didn't look record breaking...there were people running, but not like there should of been. Plus I was missing too. I WILL sign up next year!! I WILL run it no matter what! My next race is April's got be better than this.

Hubby's truck all snow covered.

Would you run in this? Or am I a wimp!? I felt like crap so I came home, went to the Y and ran there. I decided that I would pretend I was running the Shuffle. I even created a playlist just for today. It wasn't the same, but I still worked out and ran and ran!


Dr. Wifey said...

Oh NO! sorry for the disappointment. at least you have your april run to look forward to...

Suburban prep said...

Good luck come April.
Yep we saw the same stuff.
I don't blame you not running in the stuff that greeted us this morning.

justme said...

that is a major bummer. but probably the right choice. so let it go and move forward right !!!

Cynthia said...

I am so glad you didn't run...I thought about you today...You made the right choice (I wish I had done that at The St George Marathon)

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

Awww that really sucks....sorry.

I would not have run it either...if that makes you feel any better.

Kat said...

That just sucks! I'm so sorry. How disappointing!

K Storm said...

I'm sorry you didn't get to run. I wouldn't have taken a chance on running in that either. Especially in MS...we don't know how to operate with winter-like precipitation.

morewineplease said...

What a bummer! It stinks to get your hopes up like that, then have a big let down!
The next one will work out for sure!

Suzy said...

Oh Gosh! I thought of you this week-end when I heard how cruddy the weather in Chi-Town was going to be! Sheesh! What a let-down for you.........I don't think I would have run either! Oh heck, I KNOW I wouldn't have! Srsly, running in that junk seems like a for sure way to end up injured.

Hoping for better weather next time for you!