Tuesday Tidbits
- Took a peek into my daughter's My Space Page last night. Some of her friend's status updates were AWFUL. One girl was saying "Oh No...the condom broke!" and one stated her mood as being "F&*$@!!" I about had a coronary! I asked who these people were and she just said it was some 8th graders at her school. In my opinion they should not be her friends...(she is in 6th grade). I will look at this more carefully tonight and look into what she is talking about. In a positive note, she was nominated for National Junior Honor Society....Yeah to my smart girl!
- Who looks up another person's running times? I usually look up my own or people I am competing with, but virtual strangers...not so much. I went to the Y and did a boot camp class and this guy in my class says.."Hey Tammy, you must not of run that race, I couldn't find your time." I felt like I was being stalked or something. This is the same guy who always wants to beat me in everything or makes up excuses why he didn't. In which I lapped him numerous times last night! Even finished my laps and running the stairs before he even started!! So there Mr. eat my dust!! hahaha
***Tomorrow is April Fool's Day....my students are revved up for this...Thank God it is a half day tomorrow or the spider on the shoulder might get old FAST!!**** I am thinking about tricking them...I have crutches and I may just try to say I broke my leg or something!! Let's see if they believe me!!
ok, a girl put her status as Oh no, the condom broke?! there are some major issues with that girl
What the?!!!! Holy cow. My daughter isn't on My Space, but it reminds me I do need to check her cell phone for text messages . . oh dear God!!!
yikes, those comments would have freaked me out...kids just grow up way too fast....scary!!
Parenting in this day and age is so tricky. My daughter tends to hang out with older kids and I wonder what she will pick up from them in the next couple of years. Girls are so hungry for attention and think they have to cheapen themselves to get it.
I can't believe that...omg...I don't know what I would do in that situation...you hate to punish your daughter by not letting her have a myspace account, but sheesh..I would want to get her as far away from that stuff as possible!
holy cow, 8th graders ??? that scares the bejeebus out of me.
ok, I confess i totatlly look up EVERYONE'S times. i am horrible, i will see someone i don't even know that well and if i knew they ran a race i try to find their time. i am bad about it. then i know who is faster than me. it is bad, i should be ashamed. but i would never admit to someone that i looked their time up, i have standards you know.
My space freaks me out!!! I hope my girls never want one... but I know better. And mama will moniter that like a hawk. Password please!
Congrats on having a smarty pants ;)
My space should be banned...so scary. I give you credit, I would have seen that and pulled the plug asap. No it's not A, but this is totally inappropriate and I would seriously loose sleep and then obsess on her acct.
Why do kids have to grow up so fast? good luck
I am not surprised about the myspace thing. Kids/teens think that they are practically invisible on there. Not so. Have you checked their photo albums? You really WILL have a heart attack if it's as bad as the status update. I cannot imagine being that "worldly" in the 8th grade. Sad.
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