Saturday, February 21, 2009


Have you ever seen the commercials for the Snuggie blanket? I remember first seeing them on TV around Thanksgiving time. I thought how funny is that. The joke around my whole family is that someone is always freezing. The heat could be set at 70 degrees and someone will always comment how cold they are.

As my whole family (mom, dad, sisters, nieces. nephews, BIL, etc) are enjoying our time together during the Thanksgiving holiday, we all bring up these Snuggie blankets. Apparently my Mom and Dad thought this would be a great Christmas gift for everyone...what a one get one free and you get a book light too. My Dad placed the order in hopes it would arrive to us on Christmas, but the response to the Snuggie blanket was overwhelming and they were back ordered and not even sure if they could send them in the future.

Last weekend as we are celebrating Emma's birthday, a surprise present is given to the girls of the was a Snuggie blanket. We were all cracking up...Snuggie has finally arrived. Let me tell you I love my Snuggie blanket. I have been using it every night.

My mom, me, sisters...Laurie, and Tricia, and the dog Betty...all enjoying our Snuggies.


Betsy Mae said...

Ha! My husband always tells me that he wants to order me one (they are always advertised on TV here)!!!

K Storm said...

My 4 year old son wants one in blue (with the book light too).

Dr. Wifey said...

how fun! i am seriously considering getting one

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

I love it!!! So cute....

Yellow Beads said...

those things crack me up! Hey you won one of the tee shirts on my blog!!!