Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Passed Away

This afternoon was student lost his Mom today to ALS. She passed away this afternoon. He was called out of class early to leave immediately. Right then and there I knew what was going on. I didn't want him to know. He was confused as why he was leaving in such a hurry. I just want to give him a big hug.

Tomorrow is our official last day of school. We only attend for 90 minutes. It is usually filled with laughter, autographs, good food, and maybe a short movie.

This year I will have donuts and juice and sharing, but one of our kids will be missing. Not because he is off on a Disney Cruise or a trip to Paris, France. ( Yes, I have 2 students that are doing that). He will be with his siblings, Dad, and family and friends remembering what a great Mom he had. How her final wish was to see her oldest child graduate high school on Sunday. She was wheeled in on a hospital bed so she could hear her son's name being called across the stage and then wheeled back out.

I will let my students know what happened to their friend and why he is not there. We will make him cards and send him our prayers. I hope I am strong.


Anonymous said...

That is so heartbreaking. I don't even know what to say... I want to say I hope he can handle it, but how can a little boy handle losing his mom? I feel so badly for this family.

Dr. Wifey said...

this breaks my heart

morewineplease said...

This is heart breaking, I am saying a prayer for that family. You kids are blessed to have you and your big heart as a teacher!

betty said...

that is so sad; I'm glad the mother was able to see her son graduate from high school. I'm sorry she won't be able to see this little one do the same.

I think you are doing the right thing to talk to the class and have them write letters/cards to this little guy. I know that will mean a lot to him/his family to know his classmates/teacher are thinking of him during this hard time

I think you will be strong, I think it is okay to show sadness and even tears as you talk with your class. You seem like a very compassionate woman/teacher and I think the kids, even as young as they are, will be perceptive to pick that up and realize that it is okay to be sad and grieve when someone they love dies or if a friend's relative dies, it is okay to be sad for them


Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

This is so sad and so heartbreaking! I have goosebumps reading this...I will pray for him and his family!

Wacie's Way said...

I don't even know what to say . . it's just so sad.

Cynthia said...

So heartbreaking...

Tricia said...

I hope it went well today, I can't imagine the life for this little guy and his family, but knowing that his mom is in a better place will hopefully,in time, bring peace.