Monday, August 10, 2009

Bird Dog Goes Hunting and a Storm Too

Sunday photo highlights.

This dog was chomping at the bit to catch this bird...she was staring her down. It was a baby bird...could hardly fly. So B took the bird to a safe place before Zena had a chance to get it.
The baby bird...we noticed a bunch of them near our house. However, this one made it to safety, Zena got another one.

Then the skies were turning mighty ominous. Heat and Humidity will do that.

I thought that was a cool picture. The rain storm blew in and out very damage. Thank goodness because there were some neighboring communities that lost power and had down trees.

This is how it all ended.....
Hope everyone had a great weekend.
I tried out my new running skirt and I loved it. I felt so feminine! I think I am going to wear it for the half marathon.


Dr. Wifey said...

i witnessed my dog catch a baby red bird one day and ran over and pryed it from his mouth! guess that is all part of nature LOL

great picture of the clouds! ominous indeed. love the skirt. i didn't realize yesterday that it was a skirt, had to go back and look again :)

Kat said...

That is an awesome picture of the clouds. Wow! That is pretty much what it looked like here too. The boys didn't get to enjoy their pool yesterday. :(
I love springers but I don't love their love for attacking birds. Poor little birdie.

Susan said...

Great photographs!
I might try a skirt now myself.....

Poolside with the Girls said...

My male caught a baby bunny once. It's hard to take but they are hunting dogs. I guess it's expected. I had to trade him something better to get it away from him. Big fun!

Love that photo of the clouds!

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

Cool pictures!

Anonymous said...

Running skirts are so cute!

Together We Save said...

Love the pictures.

K Storm said...

My little dog is quite a huntress and loves to catch baby birds. I hate that!

david mcmahon said...

That second shot of the sky is simply stunning.

Cynthia said...

Wow...that storm pic is really cool! Now I have to back up and go check out those shoes...