Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thinking this Thursday

Thursday Thoughts

  • My teenage daughter knows more about make-up brands than I do. What ever happened to 13 year olds buying Wet and Wild or Cover Girl. Not her, she likes to go to Sephora and buy make-up from there. Way to go Aunt Laurie!
  • Have we gone overboard with H1N1? I now have a 1/2 gallon jug of hand sanitzer on my desk and every day we wipe down. Maybe I should have my children strip down in the garage when they get home and put fresh clothes on. BECAUSE I love love love doing laundry. (sarcasm there) Maybe I will wear a mask and gloves to school tomorrow.
  • What happened to Fall this year? After today, there will be no leaves left on these trees. It is so windy and rainy out, I won't be able to get some good photos of the kids. And I've worn my winter coat already....what's up with that? I guess we didn't have a Fall is out....maybe winter will be fall and we can skip right to summer!
  • I wish my kids liked to go to haunted houses or do haunted hayrides. That idea is out of the question in this house.
  • Learning to love parking garages for exercise. One of my classes I take (new fitness place) is we go to this parking garage and run up and down and down and up and up and down, etc for like 30 minutes! That is the best workout ever. We also then do the stairs too! Thank goodness this parking garage is not busy and seriously there is only a handful of cars in this almost ghost like structure.
  • Glad it's Thursday because I am mighty "Thirsty!" Thursday shows are great and I am so looking forward to either a glass of wine or a Leinenkugel's Honey Weiss.


Kat said...

I put up with Wisconsin winters because of the beautiful falls and this year we skipped right over fall. Grrr I can't even get good leaf pics of the kids or go to the pumpkin farm w/out getting rained on. Makes me so mad!

Dr. Wifey said...

sounds like that empty garage is as haunted as you'll get. what a great idea running up and down the ramps

Anonymous said...

The parking garage is a smart idea.... as long as you are with a class. (I've seen too many movies) What a great idea for cold weather. LOL, Sephora. I had a cousin who went right into Clinique when she started in makeup. I was green with envy. At least you will know what will make great stocking stuffers.

K Storm said...

I like that parking garage workout idea!

Wacie's Way said...

My 13 year old hasn't started with the make-up yet . . I wonder how much longer I have until that starts?!! Virginia has been crazy weather too . . last week cold in the 50s and this week warm and in the high 70s - no wonder everyone is sick!!

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

I wish my kids like haunted houses too....I love them!

Yellow Beads said...

I hate haunted houses...HATE! I am using hand santizer constantly too. The kids both came home with notices this week that a classmate has H1N1.

Poolside with the Girls said...

I bought my kids 4 things of sanitizer each as if buying more would somehow stop them from getting sick. I fell right into that trap. The teacher sent most of it back home. I'm sure she thinks I'm nuts!!!