Friday, September 24, 2010

My Little Demons

Living in a new city and state have been a real challenge to me. I have my good days and my really bad days. The hardest part is that our families are not here or my very best friends. I also don't have a job and finding one has been a true challenge. My kids are in school all day and I work out and find a few things to do, but soon enough I find myself going a little crazy with worry and uncertainty.

On Wednesday ( which I believe was a full moon) I cried and cried that day. I was even at the gym on the treadmill running and the tears just started to flow. I was wishing for my old life family, my friends, and my teaching job.

I know that when we decided to take on this adventure it was going to be hard, but now that I am living it, I just can't believe how lonely I am somedays. I am greatful for the evenings because I have my husband and kids around me.

I am a very social person and have been doing a lot of different things so I can meet people and hope this very strange place feels more like home.

I know that in time it will get better and I have met some really great neighbors who have invited me to a Girls Night Out. I am looking forward to laughter and creating new friendships.

No more sad posts....sometimes I feel bad venting this to my family and best friends at home...they probally get sick of me talking about the same old stuff.

Cheers to a great weekend and the DVR that awaits me. :)


Wacie's Way said...

Things will come together for you. Keep doing what you are doing - hitting the gym, meeting neighbors, etc. My friend Cindy moved to Alabama with her husband and they knew no one. A couple of years later some of us girlfriends went to visit her and she threw a party - she knew more people in Alabama now then I probably did back home!! It just takes time and energy to meet new people. Wish we lived closer - I'd hang out with you! Have a great weekend

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

hang in there :)

I lost my job in Jne and man oh man it has been a struggle and I have cried and cried....but I have faith and I know that one day I will look back at all this and see how silly I was (I hope)!

sarah said...

i am so excited that you shared this with me! a blogging neighbor! how fun is that! i wish i could make your transition here easier. and, i so wish i knew of a place i could get you an "in" for a job. unfortunately, all i have is a 4 yr old that can come keep you very busy ;) ha ha. is that kind of close? this week was busy because i am headed to chicago for my sister's bridal shower. but let's connect next week. the y? lunch? coffee? a walk? i'm up for any or all of the above. you're going to be telling your old neighbors how annoying your new neighbors are in NO time ;)

Kat said...

Well at least you can come here and vent and we will all listen and empathize.
This is hard. Give yourself time to adjust. And allow yourself days to just feel sad. Soon this new life will feel like home.