Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Keeping the Faith

On my way into work this morning I knew I should of turned off the song "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus. I was crying like a nut! It made me think of our current situation and the mountain my husband is climbing right now to do what is needed for our family. He is doing such a phenomenal job getting his resume up to date. I read it over and I would hire him. The things I didn't know about his career came to light when I read the information. Wow, is what I have to say! The things he has accomplished in his career over the last 20 years are amazing!

I need to do the same because that mountain may be something I have to climb and I will keep the faith and keep climbing.

There is an interview on the week in fact, but all I have to say is I will climb that mountain later! :)

Darn...the tears may come again!


Anonymous said...

Your family WILL get through this, keep positive. An opportunity will present itself before you know it.

Dr. Wifey said...

i hope he is able to find something soon.

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

We went thru this this past summer and you have to keep your head up and keep moving something better will come!

Keep the Faith Girl :)

starnes family said...

You are being so supportive! Keep up the hard work. It's times like these that define us. I really believe that. My husband has lost his job before. We stuck together.

Yellow Beads said...

Hang in there! It will pass!!! Great song, we love Miley.

Kat said...

Oh man. What an emotional rollar coaster. Continued prayers for you!

Betsy Mae said...

You will totally get through this, keep believing. I commend you on the support you are giving your husband, so many couples crumble under the slightest stress looking to put blame on one another because of fear, but you choose to see the good. I firmly believe that things happen for a reason and something will come up and a new chapter will begin. In the meantime, I will keep you in my thoughts.

BTW, that Miley song is gorgeous and makes me tear up everytime I hear it. I tell my girls to listen to the song, its' so true!

Cynthia said...

Oh no...I'm so sorry about your Husband's job. Stay strong, and good luck on the interviews...{hugs}